Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Consider you have visited both Genuine and attacker websites. Attacker tricks you to submit information to a Genuine website from an attacker website. A CSRF attack works because browser requests automatically include all cookies including session cookies. Therefore, if the user is authenticated to the site, the site cannot distinguish between genuine user requests an attacker requests.

By doing this, attacker can change password or update any critical information of the genuine website.

alt Attacker-Genuine

CSRF token and rails

CSRF tokens should be generated on the server-side. They can be generated once per user session or for each request. Whenever a form is submitted, the server must verify submitted token and session is matching.

Rails generate csrf token per session instead of each request. Rails took this decision to avoid usability issues. Let’s say if the user clicked the back button, and try to submit the form then the application throws an error because of the in-valid token.

Rails 5 comes up with per-form csrf-token which can be enabled in application level or controller level.

class ActivitiesController < ApplicationController
  self.per_form_csrf_tokens = true
config.action_controller.per_form_csrf_tokens = true

Authenticity token

Rails form inserts authenticity_token in every form instead of csrf_token, every time we reload the page, the authenticity token will change. This could be easy to monitor if a user is trying to submit the form with the same authenticity multiple times.

Authenticity token is generated based on csrf_token. As csrf_token is generated per session, authenticity_token will expire only when user log out.

Form with authenticity_token

<form method="post" action="">
  <input type="hidden" name="authenticity_token" value="HTyAhRpOcZ1OyKjmq12hH4RYiMrFY4cVD2J54uPnCrE4qblDCqqcMSwAR59QtvthPWPd3BxG_MFAybc_HnipvA">

How authenticity_token is generated

Below is the logic for generating an authenticity token

Base64::encoding( one_time_pad + (one_time_pad XOR session[:_csrf_token]) )

one-time pad is the reason for new authenticty_token generated every time. whenever a form is submitted to the server, rails verifies authenticity_token which is generated and verifies if it has valid csrf-token.

This makes the attacker’s job difficult, as he cannot submit the form without knowing the user’s csrf_token.

Below is rails code for the same (link)

def valid_authenticity_token?(session, encoded_masked_token) # :doc:
  if encoded_masked_token.nil? || encoded_masked_token.empty? || !encoded_masked_token.is_a?(String)
    return false

    masked_token = decode_csrf_token(encoded_masked_token)
  rescue ArgumentError # encoded_masked_token is invalid Base64
    return false

  # See if it's actually a masked token or not. In order to
  # deploy this code, we should be able to handle any unmasked
  # tokens that we've issued without error.

  if masked_token.length == AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN_LENGTH
    # This is actually an unmasked token. This is expected if
    # you have just upgraded to masked tokens, but should stop
    # happening shortly after installing this gem.
    compare_with_real_token masked_token, session

  elsif masked_token.length == AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN_LENGTH * 2
    csrf_token = unmask_token(masked_token)

    compare_with_global_token(csrf_token, session) ||
    compare_with_real_token(csrf_token, session) ||
    valid_per_form_csrf_token?(csrf_token, session)
    false # Token is malformed.

def unmask_token(masked_token) # :doc:
  # Split the token into the one-time pad and the encrypted
  # value and decrypt it.
  one_time_pad = masked_token[0...AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN_LENGTH]
  encrypted_csrf_token = masked_token[AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN_LENGTH..-1]
  xor_byte_strings(one_time_pad, encrypted_csrf_token)